While I usually stick to cinematography topics, inspiration pulled me out of bed after only 3 hours of sleep and forced me to write this. Please share these thoughts with anybody you know who just moved to Los Angeles with […]
While I usually stick to cinematography topics, inspiration pulled me out of bed after only 3 hours of sleep and forced me to write this. Please share these thoughts with anybody you know who just moved to Los Angeles with […]
So I alluded to this on Twitter, but I’m going to expand a little more on the subject of reel cutting. On Tuesday October 19th, Film Independent held a gathering for Cinematographers and Directors to connect. The event centered around […]
The First Annual Oaxaca FilmFest: Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente y Video Oaxaca will feature the short film I shot and produced, “Lucia No Besa a Nadie” (dir. Emanuel Gironi), as part of its narrative short film program. For those […]
The James Kapner, who we all know as the music video director with whom I’ve collaborated on many occasions, is also a talented MC. Back when we first plotted to work together in the summer of 2007, he gave me […]
My decision to return to British Columbia for the first time in over 10 years was a very sound one! Coming on the heels of the “Hours Before” screening at the San Diego Film Festival, meant a lot of traveling. After […]
The most frustrating aspects of the 7D are as follows (in no particular order) –for the record–I haven’t searched the web for similar lists, these are all 100% my thoughts after spending 7 days in the backwoods of Maine with […]
After a crazy 7-day shoot in northern Maine, Lucas McNelly’s film, “Up Country” is in on hard drives. This was genuinely one of the most fun film sets that I have ever been a part of (yes, it ranks up […]
The 29th Annual Vancouver International Film Festival will include Joel David Moore’s “Hours Before” as part of its High School Stories/Teenage Hell program of short films. I’m very excited to attend the festival and will be there for both the […]
First day of Up Country is in the can…and was quite an adventure. We had trouble locking down a grip/electric house because of an insurance issue, an actor who headed in to take a shower five minutes before call time, […]
I had a news/updates section on my website a few years ago. I enjoyed adding new jobs, but after a few fell through, I vowed that I wouldn’t announce jobs until they had started. Probably sound logic considering I’ve heard […]